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Introducing Lenny, THE wiggly wonder of the canine world! This Boxer boy is still in the early chapters of his puppyhood saga, likely clocking in under a year old. Picture a walking, bouncy ball of sunshine, with enough joy to light up a whole neighborhood.

Lenny's got a heart of gold and a penchant for clowning around that could rival any circus act. But don't let his goofball persona fool you—underneath all that wiggly charm lies a smart and sensitive side. A firm "hey" or "no" is like hitting pause on his puppy antics, as he's quick to tune in and heed your guidance.

He is almost housebroken and crate trained like a seasoned pro, Lenny's already mastered the art of sitting, and he's eagerly working on expanding his repertoire with commands like down and paw. Plus, he's got that classic Boxer trait of getting along swimmingly with every living creature he meets.

However, Lenny needs somebody with some confidence, and it would be great if he had another confident dog around because the world will never be as sweet as he is. If you're ready to add some laughter, love, and a whole lot of wiggles to your life, hop on over to gobeyondrescue.organd fill out an application to make Lenny the newest star of your family's show!